Thanks to the size of its economy, Saudi Arabia is an important geopolitical player in the Middle East. It’s also Sweden’s largest export market in the region, and Swedish companies have been present in the area for more than 70 years. 沙特人年轻而充满活力,大约40%的人口年龄在35岁以下. Combined with the government’s infrastructure investments, 这为PG电子官方免费下载公司扩大或进入中国市场创造了大量机会.
Opportunities for Swedish companies
PG电子官方免费下载公司可能感兴趣的沙特阿拉伯最大的行业是能源, healthcare, manufacturing, telecom and transportation. There is a clear need for cross-sectoral expertise, due to the ongoing shift towards diversification and digitalisation of the economy. This creates opportunities within areas like cyber security, 以公私伙伴关系为主要商业模式的可持续城市和部门.
Possible challenges
尽管存在广泛的机遇,但正在进行的重大改革可能具有挑战性. Most prominently, 公司在理解监管框架以及如何制定企业战略以充分把握市场上的商业潜力方面面临障碍. Business Sweden can offer support and advice to face these challenges. 我们在通过出口信息支持公司方面有40多年的经验, business promotion activities and tailor-made consulting assignments.
How we can help
设在利雅得的PG电子官方免费下载商业团队通过联合国和伊斯兰开发银行监测和促进商业机会. In addition to Saudi Arabia, 我们在利雅得的员工与我们在阿拉伯联合酋长国的办事处合作,覆盖中东的大部分市场.